Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Approximately eight years ago, a large group of random people planned to take a weekend trip up to my cabin in Idaho.  The people consisted of old friends, new friends, ward friends, and friends of friends.  For a week or two we prepped, planned and anticipated for the big group.  In the end, only four came; Laura Leatherwood, Amy Shackelford, Celeste Johnson, and me.  Who would have ever thought such an unlikely grouping would become forever friends!?  

Amy and I met in the good ol' Island View Park Singles ward after she, Val & Holly moved up from Salt Lake City.  One of my first memories of Amy was on one Easter Sunday.  I walked into Sacrament meeting only to be accosted by a cheerful, smiling head, with an enormous Easter bonnet atop!  Only Amy could pull that off!  

Celeste is two years younger than me and we grew up in the same ward together.  We go back to the days of slicked back motorcycle hair (Celeste-ha ha), girl's camp antics, and forming our own branch of the Buttercream gang.  I usually didn't even mind driving that pesky sophomore to school.

I met Laura when I was a Senior in High School.  I was going on a trip with Adie's family and we picked up Laura on the way.  Before I ever met her, all I knew was that she was "the good eater" of the entire Leatherwood family, and let me tell ya....that is saying something!  We hit it off that trip and have never looked back.

So back to the cabin trip...aside from one or two mishaps on the drive up (who turns the radio up full-blast when one of the passengers worked the grave the night before??) we had a nice time.  Although, I actually don't remember the trip, all I know is ever since the four of us have been inseparable. Ok, that's a bit extreme, but we have spent a lot of time together, often going to dinner every single month.  We've had so many hilarious things happen and have had so much fun; one day I'll have to write our stories!  

So, you can imagine our shock and sadness when Amy announced her family was moving to Washington D.C.  Several of us got together at The Cheesecake Factory to say our farewells.  Good luck Amy, we miss you already!

Amy, Celeste, Laura, Me, Tandra & Holly

The LACK-Dawgs  (Laura, Amy, Celeste, Krista)

At least we have a FREE place to stay if we want to go back to D.C.!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So Many Things....

....have transpired in the past month.  I suppose I should be a more consistent blogger so I don't forget everything.  Among the happenings: Ryan & I went to the BYU game in October, Kellee and I sang at Stake Conference, we had our annual niece/nephew Halloween party, Baby Ashton was blessed on November 2nd, and last weekend had a fun GNO.  

Another fun thing Ryan and I did was to hang out with Becky and Caleb.  Becky is my sister and she married Ryan's look-alike.  Ok, not really.  But we're practically related! Her sister Hollie is married to my brother Jed.  And Caleb and Ryan look a lot alike!

We went to eat at a Chinese restaurant where apparently I mortified Becky & Caleb by asking if I could make one or two substitutions, to which I was told, I COULD NOT!  I mean, what if I don't like the fried shrimp?  Ryan must be used to it.   After dinner, we went bowling where I CRUSHED everyone's score.  I bowled 126, Caleb 106, Becky 103, and Ryan....well, I don't know if he'll appreciate this, but he got 68.  HA HA.  Good times!

Here's some pics of the night:

We set the camera on the top of the car and set the timer.  We made them take several shots before the kibosh'd our further efforts!

Caleb & Becky

Ok, they're not twins or anything, but don't they look similar?!

Ry & Kris

Another car shot

After taking SIX (yes, six)  HIDEOUS pictures of ourselves, I finally cropped us out and put up a picture of our matching eyes! HA.

Becky kept asking all night long who had longer hair.  Finally, Caleb & Ryan decided to take a picture so we could see for ourselves.  You be the judge!!